Wednesday 20 January 2016

Slammed by Colleen Hoover

Hey Guys,

Told you I'd see you soon. Today I'm reviewing Slammed by Colleen Hoover. Before we begin I would like to shout out the song I'm currently listening to; Stressed Out by 21 Pilots. Yeah ... um. Let's begin.

What immediately surprised me was the fact that the characters weren't distantly connected, but this is only book one in a series so more may be revealed. The way the two characters situations parallelled each other was funny in concept but sad to read about.
This book felt a bit darker because none of the characters we got close with had good pasts. The love story felt slightly insta-lovey but Colleen managed to make it work.

I loved the inclusion of all the poetry, because I really love writing and reading poetry. I also loved the little song quotes from the Avett Brothers, and the way it was included in the story.

I forgot to mention but the story is about a girl who moves from Texas to Michigan and meets this boy. Once again, though, it's better two go in not knowing much about it.

This is my favourite Colleen Hoover book that I've read so far, the characters felt so real and some of them were very relatable. Their emotions were so well portrayed and the book was over all fantastic, much like every other Colleen Hoover book.

This is where I leave you non-spoilery people, go buy the book and read it. Then come back and click Read More to read my spoilery thoughts on the book.
Bye xx

Bonjour spoilery people...

My favourite scene in the entire book was Eddie's birthday party, when they realeased a balloon for every foster home she'd ever been to, and when Joel asked if he could be her dad, that had me in tears. It made me so emotional and for happy reasons.
I also like at the end when Lake and Will both preform their poetry to each other about each other.

I have a new creep number 1; Javi. I felt really uncomfortable in the forced kissing scene with him because it was clear she didn't want it to happen, but he did it anyway. It just felt uncomfortable, because it was like we were there.

The fact that both main characters ended up in the same position felt a little forced, to me. I just feel it was too coincidental to be realistic, in my opinion. The tragic event in the characters passt were a bit shocking because they are so unbelievably life changing.

I loved Eddie for being so welcoming, and such a good friend straight away. She help Lake through a lot and I liked her attitude towards life. It surprised me a little to find out she was a foster child, but what upset me the most was her poem about the pink balloon.

I loved the idea of slam poetry and the fact that it is celebrated and practised in the community. I loved all the poems that were written throughout the book, my favourites are probably; Death, the Ocean and Proposal.

The whole situation between Will and Lake was so awkward, and their attempt to stay apart felt half- arsed because I think deep down they both didn't really care about the rules. All their intense make out scenes were well placed in the book to give them a feeling of angst. I was expecting something to come between them but what actually happened surprised me.

I could say a ton more, but my fingers actually hurt form all the typing. I will see you all soon for something or the other. And, I would love to hear what you thought of the book. Bye xx


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