Friday 5 February 2016

Trial By Fire by Josephine Angelini

Hey Guys,

Today I'm going to be reviewing Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini. Also I have an announcement related to An Infinite Philosophy, so check that out at the bottom, before the spoilers.

OK, so to start off with, I really enjoyed this book. I wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as I did. I wasn't expecting to not enjoy it, but the interesting plot line was pulled off really well. The characters weren't overly relateable, but only because of the situation they were in.

I loved the dynamic between the characters and the way they all interacted. The way they all linked together was really interesting.

I really liked Josephine's take on the way magic worked. Her way of making the hierarchy feel really real was fresh. I really liked the way she wrote Lily and her morals.

I don't really have anything else to say so...

So the announcement. If you didn't know we have a book club, how exciting. Read my previous post for more info. But, in addition to the exciting excitement of our read along we are also hosting an instagram photo concert. To enter you need to take a fabulous photo of Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys and hashtag your picture #AIPsaltothesea. At the end of the month we will look over all your fabulous posts and pick one picture. The winner will get a shout out on this blog and on our Instagram pages.
P.S if you're confused on the whole 'we' thing, I'm referring to my friends blog who I'm hosting the book club with AnInfiniteBookshelf

Now I delve into the spoilers, enter at ones own will.
If you haven't read the book, I recommend you go do so. Then come back so we can discuss all of the things that went down.

Welcome les spoilery people,

Read in le french accent from now on, I dare you.
OK so  think we first have to talk about Lily and Lillian. They seemed to have accepted this two versions of the same girl hubbub much quicker than I expected it to. I know Lillian already knows about it all, but Lily seemed way too accepting of the situation.
If you haven't read the Throne of Glass series I apologise some very minor character spoilers ahead. In fact if you haven't read the Throne of Glass series skip anything in red, OK? OK.

I couldn't help but compare Rowan from this book to Rowan from Throne of Glass. They are both super fit (and hot), they both fit in with any element, they both have a trainer position over the main character, they both speak telepathically with the main character and they both help the main realise 'who she is'. So yeah, I didn't, however, like Rowan from this as much as ToG.

Spoilers over, sorry. As I mentioned before I really loved Josephine's take on magic, I loved how it was all related to physics and how it was to do with changing heat into force. That was so cool. I know we got a sort of run down with the hierarchy of magic, it's witches then crucibles then mechanics? I think, it's never really laid out for us.

One thing that really annoyed me was the way Lillian persistently said things like; 'Trust that I'm doing this for the good' or 'I need to show you my reasons. I'm just like OMG piss off!

Moving on,I would like to understand more about how claiming works. We see people doing it a lot but we never get a clear explanation as to how it works, can anyone do it? 

Before I go, let's talk about the Woven. There is obviously some big question as too, what are they? I hope we get some resolution in the third book. Yes, I have read the second one. I would like to see a map of all the species of Woven, although I know that each one is different.

That's all I have to say. I don't promise a review on book two, I don't have much to say other than: no, no, no, no, no, No! so that would be counter productive, and a waste of time, Thank you for reading this, please tell me what you thought of the book. My Instagram and stuff are linked to the right --->
See you soon...


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