Thursday, 31 March 2016

Unpopular Bookish Opinions

Hey guys,

A main post, I know, how exotic. Today I thought, as I am in desperate need to catch up on some tags, I would do the unpoplar opinions book tag. I was looking into some fun book tags and thought this one sounded interesting. Questions in black, answers in blue So with further ado I bring you...

                                                    The Unpoplar Bookish Opinions Tag

Ready... set... GO!

1. A book or series you didn't like but everyone else did.

This is hard because I am such a book pushover, it doesn't take much for me to love something. But, I have an answer, please don't kill me; Carry On by Rainbow Rowel. Don't get me wrong, I love her contemporary books, I just didn't love her attempt at fantasy as much.

2. A book or series you like but every one else hates.

I guess I could pull twilight into this, but there are so many people who love it, it doesn't seem fair. I don't really have one for this, I mostly read books because of recommendations. The only ones I can think of would be books that in my opinion are unpoplular due to exposure, or lack of it. Sorry I'll just slowly back out.

3. A love triangle in which the girl/boy ended up with the wrong person.

I have an easy answer to this, Vampire Acadamy, Rose and Dimitri. I have nothing against their relationship I just personnaly way prefered Adrian. Enough said, moving on.

4. A popular genre that you hardly read.

Another farely easy one, I tend to stick to fantasy (high and urban), contemporary and now dystopian occasionally. For this I'm going to say Sci-Fi, I hardly read it. I know there are some great Sci-Fi books on the shelves I just never really pick them up.

5. A popular chracter you didn't like.

Umm Jace Wayland/Herondale/Morgenstern/Lightwood please don't shoot me. I don't dislike him, I just didn't reallt like him. That made no sense, I feel like he was alright, and I liked his relationship with clary, but I din't love him like very one else does. Also, I think the show has slightly tainted my feelings for him.

6. A popular author you can't get into.

Philip Pullman. He wrote the Northen Lights and the Ruby in the Smoke series's (umm... new word?). I just can't read his books. I can be quite impatient with books, it needs to grip me and fast or I'll put it down. I find Philip's writing to be quite dense and slow, and I just don't get on with it.

7. A popular book trope or movie trope that you tired of seeeing.

The reason I mentioned film as well is because the 'trope' I'm getting annoyed with is in film. Parctularly the book to movie adaptations. My problem is; stretching the last book into a two part film. It irritates me, not everything should be in two parts.

8. A popular series you don't plan on reading.

Another fairly straight forward one, The Maze Runner. I know there are tons of people that love this book, then there are people who don't. The mixed reviews have tainted my opinion and excitement, and I just have no real interest in reading it.

9. What movie was better than the book.

As the saying goes; the book is always better than the film, but which would you say is the other way around. Recently I have been extreme binge watching Vampire Diaries on the netflix, and I read one of the books. If you didn't gather from that what I was getting at, I way prefer the ampire Diaries show to the books (or book)

So that my friends in the unpopular opinions book tag. I hope you were thoroughly offended by my unpoplular opinions and I will see you soon.


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