Hey Guys,
So it is time. The end of February has come, therefor it is time for our collab review. Happy leap year.
So because this isn't video it's kind of hard to do a collab review, we are going to choose colours.
Maud - Green
Emile - Red
Me - Yellow
These are our colours, whatever we say will be highlighted in our chosen colours, so you will be able to differentiate between what we are saying.
So before we begin the spoiler discussion down below we are going to announce next months book. Are you ready, you lazy people who didn't read Salt to the Sea. Our book for March is...
Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare *streamers*
It comes out 8th March and I hope you all will join us in reading it. As usual we will be hosting the instagram picture contest, no-one won this time because only we entered. I know fail. It will also be linked in the side bar on the 'An Infinite Philosophy' picture.
use the hashtag #AIPladymidnight
So if you haven't read Salt to the Sea I suggest you leave now, to avoid ultimate spoilers. So bye the people who either couldn't or couldn't be bothered. I hope you read Lady Midnight.
Welcome to the spoilers, February collab discussion...
Time for the discussion!
My favourite part of the book was the characters.
My favourite character was the shoe poet. He was like bae.
My favourite characters were the shoe poet and Ingrid.
Oh I loved Ingrid!
Yeah oh my goodness when she fell through the hole it broke my heart.
For some reason I really liked
the bit when the ship was leaving and all the mothers were throwing
their children at the ship, it just made it really real.
It was awful though that bit.
I can't believe that actually happened. It was near the end as well.
Way to make us cry.
That was horrific.
The worst part was when Emilia was on the raft and she sang the little lullaby about you know All the little duckies with their heads in the water. And she was talking about the children!
They were all so desperate but they didn't have a chance.
My favourite part was when the shoe poet was trying to get to the boy on the ship at the end and the relationship they had.
The way all the characters had
different relationships with each other was my favourite part. Each
character brought out a different part of another character.
Apart from Alfred. I wanted to stab him.
Oh I hated Alfred!
When we first met him I thought
he was okay but he kept getting worse. I want to know what
his obsession with butterflies was. You know he mentioned it and he
never said why. I was really interested in what that was actually about.
It was such a shock to find out that Emilia was pregnant. I never would have guessed that.
I was expected her to have been stabbed or something, to have an infected wound.
It was sad though when the baby was born and she wouldn't look at it.
I know I was worried it would never be looked after.
The thing is when we found out
she was pregnant I thought she had been raped, then we found out that
she had a boyfriend and I was so relieved, only to find out later that
it was a lie and she actually had been raped! I felt so awful.
That was so sad when we found that out.
You know how Alfred wrote those
mental letters to Hannelore, it was kind out obvious that something had
happened to her but it was still weird when we found out.
At first the letters really confused me. I was like, who is this Hannelore person?
I would like to have known more about their relationship.
Wait, what actually happened with Hannelore?
I don't know.
Alfred told them she was Jewish, and then when they came to talk her he said to tell them she wasn't Jewish but she refused.
At the end I was confused when Emilia's baby only knew that her mother had been brave, and nothing else.
My least favourite bit was when they found the people dead in their beds.
What made it so interesting was
that the enemies were the allied forces whereas because we're British
we only hear about the enemies being the axis forces.
It was interesting hearing it from the perspective of the Nazis being good.
I'm sorry it was kind of late, we had some difficulties getting it live. It also isn't the best way to do this, we are still playing around with how to execute it. We will see you next month with Lady Midnight.
- A
+Maud and Emile
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