Thursday, 31 March 2016

Unpopular Bookish Opinions

Hey guys,

A main post, I know, how exotic. Today I thought, as I am in desperate need to catch up on some tags, I would do the unpoplar opinions book tag. I was looking into some fun book tags and thought this one sounded interesting. Questions in black, answers in blue So with further ado I bring you...

                                                    The Unpoplar Bookish Opinions Tag

Ready... set... GO!

1. A book or series you didn't like but everyone else did.

This is hard because I am such a book pushover, it doesn't take much for me to love something. But, I have an answer, please don't kill me; Carry On by Rainbow Rowel. Don't get me wrong, I love her contemporary books, I just didn't love her attempt at fantasy as much.

2. A book or series you like but every one else hates.

I guess I could pull twilight into this, but there are so many people who love it, it doesn't seem fair. I don't really have one for this, I mostly read books because of recommendations. The only ones I can think of would be books that in my opinion are unpoplular due to exposure, or lack of it. Sorry I'll just slowly back out.

3. A love triangle in which the girl/boy ended up with the wrong person.

I have an easy answer to this, Vampire Acadamy, Rose and Dimitri. I have nothing against their relationship I just personnaly way prefered Adrian. Enough said, moving on.

4. A popular genre that you hardly read.

Another farely easy one, I tend to stick to fantasy (high and urban), contemporary and now dystopian occasionally. For this I'm going to say Sci-Fi, I hardly read it. I know there are some great Sci-Fi books on the shelves I just never really pick them up.

5. A popular chracter you didn't like.

Umm Jace Wayland/Herondale/Morgenstern/Lightwood please don't shoot me. I don't dislike him, I just didn't reallt like him. That made no sense, I feel like he was alright, and I liked his relationship with clary, but I din't love him like very one else does. Also, I think the show has slightly tainted my feelings for him.

6. A popular author you can't get into.

Philip Pullman. He wrote the Northen Lights and the Ruby in the Smoke series's (umm... new word?). I just can't read his books. I can be quite impatient with books, it needs to grip me and fast or I'll put it down. I find Philip's writing to be quite dense and slow, and I just don't get on with it.

7. A popular book trope or movie trope that you tired of seeeing.

The reason I mentioned film as well is because the 'trope' I'm getting annoyed with is in film. Parctularly the book to movie adaptations. My problem is; stretching the last book into a two part film. It irritates me, not everything should be in two parts.

8. A popular series you don't plan on reading.

Another fairly straight forward one, The Maze Runner. I know there are tons of people that love this book, then there are people who don't. The mixed reviews have tainted my opinion and excitement, and I just have no real interest in reading it.

9. What movie was better than the book.

As the saying goes; the book is always better than the film, but which would you say is the other way around. Recently I have been extreme binge watching Vampire Diaries on the netflix, and I read one of the books. If you didn't gather from that what I was getting at, I way prefer the ampire Diaries show to the books (or book)

So that my friends in the unpopular opinions book tag. I hope you were thoroughly offended by my unpoplular opinions and I will see you soon.


Wednesday, 30 March 2016

An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

Hey guys,

I know, once again it's been a while since I posted but I've been swept into the wonderful world of netflix, and it's been hard to shake those ropes. It's addictive. Also I struggle with main post ideas, I don't main post much because I personally find it hard to plan a main post. Alas, I am actually here to review An Ember in the Ashes, so on with the show.

My immediate reaction was shock honestly, it really threw me into the deep end, without preparation. I struggled to learn the world, and I had to have a proper look at the map to understand were everything was, but it was an interesting way to force understanding upon the reader.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book, even though I found it hard to get the world, I got into the book quite quickly. The characters were super lovable and I truly felt for them with what they were going through. You know it's a good book when you're still up reading at bordering 3:00 in the morning! Seriously that's around the time I finished it. But I definitely recommend.

So there we go. You may have noticed that it is nearing quite drastically the end of the month, this should mean the AIP book talk. I don't what's happening with that right now, but I don't promise that it will be going up on time, sorry.
Anyway, if you haven't read this book, I recommend you leave now, go read it, then come back. If, however, you have read this fabulous book, then continue on...

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare

Hey Guys,

I'm so sorry at the length of time it's been since I've posted, don't worry I feel the shame. I have been swamped with school work and I have had a few tests recently and I have more to look forward to. Plus which it's taken me an age to read Lady Midnight, it's a big book and I wanted to savour it. So if you were unaware Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare is our 'An Infinite Philosophy' book of the month for March. So far I am the only one who's read it, but I would say I am also the biggest Cassandra Clare fan out of the three of us. This has been a really long intro, apologies, onto the review.

So Lady Midnight is the first book in a new shadow hunters series, I believe it's going to be a trilogy, but I am not 100% on that. My overall thoughts, I enjoyed it immensely, but I would rank it my least favourite of her series, but I have only read book one so that might change.

With her other series you could possibly get away with not reading the others, but with this one it's very important that you read The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices first. You could be spoiled for those series, or some parts you just won't understand.

So there we go, I am sorry about my lack of posting recently. There will hopefully be a live show at the end of this month on this book. You can click the link in the side bar --> to purchase it, and I will see all of you non-spoilerys later...

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Empire of Storms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys,

So, if you hadn't guessed, or realized, or maybe you're new here. Anyway, I am a massive, massive Sarah J Maas fan, particularly the Throne of Glass series. So I just just had to post about the title reveal for the fifth book. The title was revealed today, March 10th: Empire of Storms!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, what is this post about? you ask. Well, for a while now I've been theorising about the throne of glass series. What's going to do down, who's dying and other little things. I theorised the name of this book as well as the one before it, you could say I'm slightly invested. So, in celebration of the title relaease I will be sharing my top Empire of Storms theories.

Warning this will contain spoilers so if you haven't read books one through four leave now.

Actually I'll put in a page break. But still, click Read More>> to hear my very best theories on Empire of Storms. If you haven't read Throne of Glass, reasess your life. But please go read it, it's fantastic. Feel free to comment any of your theories, I would love to hear them.

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

Hey Guys,

I literally just finished this book, wow. So, today I'm going to be reviewing Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. I'm kind of late on the band wagon with this one, but not too late.

This book went in a direction I didn't expect, the way the story all came together at the end was fabulous. I really enjoyed the part all the characters played in it, and I can't wait to read the second one.

It is a dystopian novel in which the people are segregated. There are silvers and reds. The silvers have abilities and are the overlords, whilst the reds are normal and are the maids or sometimes slaves. Anyway, it follows a red girl, who finds out she has an ability, and she is taken to the palace to 'hide in plain sight'.

It was an interesting read, though it did take a while to get started. I'm trying to read more dystopian so I can say more about the genre when people ask me about it. Other than the obvious: Hunger Games.

So there we go another review. I've just only begun to realize just how fantastic I'm being at keeping to my new schedule. Look at this character development. Anyway, all you non-spoilery people who haven't read this yet I will see you soon. Don't forget to purchase Lady Midnight and read it with us; click the 'Infinite Philosophy' picture in the side bar to purchase it. Good bye non-spoilery people...

Thursday, 3 March 2016

The Colleen Hoover Book Tag

Hey Guys,

I made a tag, oh yes. So if you hadn't guessed by all of the reviews, I am a massive Colleen Hoover fan. I haven't read everything by her, but I'm working on it, don't judge me. But, basically, the tag centres around quotes and phrases from all the first books in a series, if they're in a series. The quotes relate to a question which you must then answer with a book.

Before we start the tag, I have to talk about Hamilton. OK, so if you don't know, Hamilton is a play in America about Alexander Hamilton and the American revolution. I, being in England, haven't seen it but have been listening to and loving the sound track. I actually did post on instagram about this as well. My favourites from the soundtrack are:
My Shot
The Schuyler Sisters
You'll Be Back
The Room Where it Happens
The Reynolds Pamphlet
and Satisfied
I know that's a lot but it's a long play list so...
on with the tag...

1. Just finish Miles... Ugly Love
A book you couldn't put down
To avoid being generic I'm going to go for something a little more obscure. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, I have reviewed this. I forgot briefly how much I loved this book, it's pretty long and I just flew through it. I read through the night and well into the morning. It was fabulous.

2. I'll love you forever, even when I can't... Confess
An old favourite
Another more obscure one. Ketchup Clouds by Annabel Pitcher. I've never talked about this on this blog I don't think. But, for a while a few years ago I was on a constant loop of reading this. The way it was written captivated me, and it was my favourite book for a very long time.

3. There will never be a 'maybe someday'... Maybe Someday
A book you can't wait for
Stopping the obscurities around now. Throne of Glass 5/ blank of blank. NO surprise there. The Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas is my favourite high fantasy series/ book ever. I can't wait for the next one and I want it now. When the title is released I will be doing a theories post.

4. You keep your ocean, I'll take the Lake... Slammed
A book to which you prefer the sequel
There aren't many books or series to which this applies. The first book is always the best because it's fresh and new. You're learning the world and the characters. But I can think of one; Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. Yes I'm bringing the Hunger Games into this. I don't no what it is about it, I just prefer this one, it's the same with the films as well.

5. I need a chapter break... Hopeless
A book you had to put down to compose yourself
I think this is pretty obvious. The Half Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling. That's all I want to say at this moment in time, I'm still no where near being 'over it'

6. If we're going to kiss it has to be book worthy... November 9th
Your favourite fictional couple/ your OTP
I had to think really hard about this. There are many characters who I ship i.e Percabeth, but most of them are already together and the series has ended, so bringing Throne of Glass back. Celorian: Celeana/Aelin and Dorian. I have shipped this since the very beginning, and never wavered. I want this to happen so bad, so bad...

 So, thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed my attempt at a book tag. Don't forget to pick up Lady Midnight and read it with us for this month. Also, please go check out the Hamilton play list and soundtrack, it's fabulous.

- A

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas

Hey guys,

So I know another review, watch out for our collabed salt to the sea review and March book reveal. Now I've already read 'acotar' (the acronym for a court of thorns and roses) but I wanted to read it again because:
A. To do a review for it
B. Because I wanted to, deal with it.

So today I am re-viewing (get it, because I re-read it) A Court of Thorns and Roses (acotar) by Sarah J. Maas.

If you didn't know I am a huge Sarah J Maas fan, I think I've read all her books, she is my favourite fantasy author, and she really likes faeries. The Throne of Glass series is one of my all time favourites so when this came out I was pretty excited. The sequel is coming out soon; A Court of Mist and Fury (acomaf) 3rd May.

Onto my actual thoughts, because this is the second time I've read it, I was able to really pay attention to the little details, and the things I missed the first time. The first time I read it I didn't really like Feyre and I was whole heartedly Team Rhysand but now there are opinions I could change.

At first I couldn't really understand where the book was going too go, and I still think it felt quite closed. But, I theories and things I would really like to see happen.

So that is all for the non-spoilery section. Go check out the collabed review of salt to the sea and March book reveal. We;re all really excited.
I will see all the people who haven't read this yet next time, but if you have read it, for ward we go...

An Infinite Philosophy Feb review // collab

Hey Guys,

So it is time. The end of February has come, therefor it is time for our collab review. Happy leap year.

So because this isn't video it's kind of hard to do a collab review, we are going to choose colours.

Maud - Green
Emile - Red
Me - Yellow

These are our colours, whatever we say will be highlighted in our chosen colours, so you will be able to differentiate between what we are saying.

So before we begin the spoiler discussion down below we are going to announce next months book. Are you ready, you lazy people who didn't read Salt to the Sea. Our book for March is...

Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare *streamers*
It comes out 8th March and I hope you all will join us in reading it. As usual we will be hosting the instagram picture contest, no-one won this time because only we entered. I know fail. It will also be linked in the side bar on the 'An Infinite Philosophy' picture.
use the hashtag #AIPladymidnight

So if you haven't read Salt to the Sea I suggest you leave now, to avoid ultimate spoilers. So bye the people who either couldn't or couldn't be bothered. I hope you read Lady Midnight.