Friday, 13 May 2016

Passanger by Alexandra Bracken

Hey guys,

I know once again it's been a while but my excuses still stand, and I'm sorry if that's a problem but I am trying. So yes today I will be reviewing Passanger by Alexandra Bracken. Before we begin I quickly like to bring up our AIP book of the month, it's A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas and there will be a collab review at the end of the month. Moving on, I hope you enjoy...

The beginning was really well written and I enjoyed it immensley, it picked up really well, and set a fast pace with lots of adventure. Then towards the end, to me, it almost seemed rushed. I enjoyed the chracters, and there relationships. And, I liked very much how it was a little bit more family orientated, which isn't something you see much in YA.

It's basically about time travel. There's this girl named Etta who is thrust into the world of time travel, and along with Nicolas (another traveler) they go on a treasure hunt through time. I very much enjoyed it, and I'd recommend it.

So, once again I am the first to read ACOMAF and I personally really recommend you go pick it up, along with the first one, if you haven't read it. I have alot of ideas brewing so you should be getting quite a few posts in the future, fingers crossed.
But, this is where I say my goodbye's all the non-spoilery people, please do give this a try, even if it is because the cover is absolutely stunning...

Welcome to my year of spoilers...

So let's begin with the beginning. When Etta was playing the violin I was weirdly happy, mainly because I like little details like that which make the main character more interesting. When we first met Sophia I was untrustful (new word?) of her and didn't like her general personality, however I did sympathise with her a little.

I loved all the scenes on the boat, especially the one where they're having dinner and Etta has a go at the man who insults Nicolas, I forgot his name.

I loved the premise of it, the treasure hunt throught time, I thought that was really well done, and all the clues where really well thought out.
Nicolas, I didn't love him but I loved his easy relationship with Etta and how caring he was. I felt really sorry for him and what he went through with Julian and then Etta... I think the thing that bugged me was the way he constantly put Etta down: the way he would have a go at her for stating her feelings.

What I meant with the end feeling rushed, is it took a long time for them to figure out the first clue, then as the book progressed they just seemed to walk in and out of different periods, without any clue figuration (another new word). I think my favourite time period was either WW2 or the jungle. WW2 was great because of the air-raid shelter, and seeing young Alice. But, I liked the jungle becuase of the kiss, and the descriptions of the place just seemed really lovely.

Finally, at the end when Etta dissapeared I was so confused, I was just like "what, but book two, what?" and then continued to make incoherent noises. But. I know there is a book two, and before Rose came and explained everything I genuinely thought Etta was dead.

So, there we go, I'm sorry it's not the best I've done, but I'm slowly getting back into it. I would absolutely love it if you would comment yuor thoughts on the book, as well as anything I may have missed. I will definately be seeing you soon.


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